Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Blog.First Post

Hey there! Figured i better start a new blog since we have a new bundle of joy on the way! ;) Can i just say i am so so anxious for our sweet little man to be here.... but there is a little part of me that is going to miss feeling his wiggly little body & his boney little bum moving inside my belly! It is honestly the BEST feeling....But then comes on the dredded heartburn or the aganizing ligiment pains, and they remind me how much better of a feeling it will be to feel his wiggly little body & his boney little bum moving around in my arms instead of inside my belly! ;) Either way, we are so excited and we're at 37 weeks and counting TODAY! ;)
This was taken at about 32 weeks..... oh to be this small again! haha
(i wanted to put more, but blogger is being S...LLL...OO...WWW)


  1. Cute! I'm excited to hear all about when your little guy comes! :)

  2. VERY cute Bre! You are going to be the cutest mommy! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see cute little Mace!
