YAY!! I only have a week left! Well, hopefully give or take a few days! I went to the doctor today and we are finally making progress!!! I was so thrilled to hear some news, other than, "Oh your defiantly going over your due date..." Who seriously wants to hear that for the last four weeks of their pregnancy?? NOT ME!! Finally today Judd says, we're making progress, keep it up and we'll be having a baby by the end of next week!! YIPPIE! Latest date is the 21st, but hey, that's still next week, gotta think positive right?? ;) Anyway, we're so excited and keep an eye out for the great news hopefully here in the next few days! Gonna try some tricks to see if we can jump start things a bit!
Also wanted to tell you guys to check out my photography blog! I took some pix of my little sister and my cousin yesterday for fun! They're both so flippin gorgeous, it's quite ridiculous!
Hooray! Our babies will be birthday buddies, as our little guy is scheduled to come out on the 20th. :) I'm so excited for you!